Healthy ice cream? Spring has certainly been in the air the last few days here in Brisbane, so with the warmer weather I was feeling like a bit of ice cream this afternoon. I’m taking the month to do a bit of a body reset/detox after too many dates and nuts over winter so needed to come up with a healthy ice cream option. Then I remembered I had dozens of frozen bananas chopped up and in the freezer after buying a whole box for only $9 a month or so ago.
Here is the easiest and healthiest ice cream that I think exists…it even has anti-inflammatory properties with the addition of a teaspoon of golden paste.
All you have to do is blend 1-2 chopped frozen bananas in a high speed blender or Thermomix with 1 tsp of golden paste and 1/2 tsp of vanilla. You might need to scrape down the sides and reblend until it reaches a creamy consistency. Serve immediately. For a super basic ice cream, just blend the frozen bananas on their own!
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