I don’t think I’ve really thought of myself as a procrastinator but I’ve realised now that I am. Well at least I can be. Usually I just make a decision and act on it but there are times when I become too scared to act so I just put things off.
I have been talking about doing a trip to NZ to run some essential oil and wellness workshops for several months now but that’s all I’ve done. Talk about it. I’ve picked the dates, I have a colleague to come with me, but I haven’t yet booked the flights, found accommodation, advertised classes. I have been putting it off and it’s only a month away. I have wanted to cancel the trip or at least reduce the length of the trip to fewer days and locations. I realised yesterday that I’ve been putting it off because I’m afraid. Afraid no one will come to the events, afraid I’ll have spent a whole lot of money with no return. Afraid to put myself out there and come up short. Afraid to take the risk. Afraid. Procrastination = fear.
I’m learning that being in business involves a lot of self development. It involves putting myself out there at risk of being rejected, or not liked, or being annoying. It also means that I have the opportunity to be a blessing to those that are attracted to me and what I stand for. This has to outweigh the fears. My business in the end is a service business. I do what I do to serve and help others, it’s always been my mission, ever since I was a brand new lawyer over 20 years ago, I just wanted to help people. How can I help people if I stay in my comfort zone?
This morning in church the message was about vulnerability as being important for a prosperous soul. When put in a situation where we feel afraid, we fight, flight or freeze. Procrastination is the freeze part. I realised that I need to find the confidence to take action. Put myself out there. Keep putting myself out there, as I feel I do that a lot. After all, what’s the worst that can happen in this situation? I spend a whole lot of time and money to go and no one turns up? That’s probably the worst thing I can think will happen. Is that likely? Probably not. I’ll at least have my friend Tess with me anyway, so even if no one did turn up we’d still have a fun few days together.
A few nights ago I watched Wonder Woman. She had to find confidence in her strengths to be who she was created to be then she was fearless in battle. I think we are all like Wonder Woman. We just have to stand up and walk into our destiny. It’s not that our fears and doubts aren’t there, but we have to find the courage to be vulnerable, recognise where they are coming from and press on. Have the faith that you loved and accepted, even if it does become a ‘character building experience’!!
After all, who knows what might happen? Certainly nothing good will happen if I play small, stay home, don’t put myself out there, take a risk. No one will be served if I do that. Step out of your comfort zone and serve others.
Do you procrastinate too? Can I challenge you to have a think about if that procrastination comes from a place of fear? If so, be vulnerable and acknowledge that to yourself. You are loved and worthy of success. You can dig deep and find the confidence to take just one step forward into your fear, and then another small step, and then another. If I can, I know you can too.
Now to book those flights….
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